by Hollis Taylor | Dec 26, 2015 | Healthy, Holistic, Inspired, Permanent Change, Starting, Transitions, Uncategorized
Its that time again!! What New Years Resolution are you making? “I will lose weight this year” – “I will quit smoking” – “I will do yoga regularly” “I will exercise” Every year hundreds of people make New...
by Hollis Taylor | Dec 2, 2015 | Alternatives, Healthy, Holistic, Inspired, Permanent Change, Transitions
The unexplained emotional strike of PTSD resembles a lightning strike in an otherwise positive perspective and lifestyle. One of the things I learned in therapy was that PTSD likes to spike its head when you least suspect it. When everything is safe, life is happy and...
by Hollis Taylor | Feb 2, 2015 | Food, Healthy, Holistic, Permanent Change, Starting, Transitions
By Hollis Taylor That was my response when I learned I wasn’t eating enough vegetables. Then of course I learned to smother them, overcook them and add tons of calories to them. Later, I had to change my ways and my pallet. How could I ever enjoy vegetables? I...
by Hollis Taylor | Jan 30, 2015 | Alternatives, Food, Healthy, Holistic, Permanent Change, Starting, Transitions
Healthy Eating Vs. Time By Hollis Taylor The biggest excuse for not eating well is TIME! I hear it over and over that people are lacking the time they need to cook, exercise and make good choices. I understand! One of my biggest challenges was incorporating healthy...
by Hollis Taylor | Jan 29, 2015 | Food, Healthy, Holistic, Inspired, Permanent Change, Transitions
When someone suggested to me a few years ago that sugar could possibly be addictive, I felt the strong desire to explore the theory. There wasn’t as much public information about it at that time but when I read a medical journal discussing the effects of sugar...
by Hollis Taylor | Jan 8, 2015 | Alternatives, Food, Healthy, Holistic, Inspired, Permanent Change, Starting, Transitions, Uncategorized
Believe you can change your life! Hollis Taylor I opened this site a couple years ago but it hasn’t gone very well. Part of the reason was because I was simply busy working hard to move my life across the country. I had been dreaming of moving to the Boulder, CO...