Technology Consciousness

Technology Consciousness

What you send out, comes back. So when you cuss your phone, slam your mouse and curse your computer you are sending out negativity, via electricity. When you find yourself scrolling and scrolling it can feel like technology has the power to control you. When you feel...


Imbolc is one of those ‘in-between’ holidays I mentioned in the ‘Wheel of the Year’! This witchy/wiccan/pagan holiday marks the in-between of Yule and Beltane, halfway between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. I always felt like it was...
Experience the Wheel of the Year in 2021! Vol. 1

Experience the Wheel of the Year in 2021! Vol. 1

Looking to live your life in balance with nature? Want to live the life of a witch? Here’s a good way to get started! What makes a witch, a witch? How is Wicca involved and who are these pagans? Are you GLBTQIA+ or an ally? Step on the Queer Train because this...