Experience the Wheel of the Year in 2021! Vol. 1

Experience the Wheel of the Year in 2021! Vol. 1

Looking to live your life in balance with nature? Want to live the life of a witch? Here’s a good way to get started! What makes a witch, a witch? How is Wicca involved and who are these pagans? Are you GLBTQIA+ or an ally? Step on the Queer Train because this...
Do I Fit-In to the Transgender Community?

Do I Fit-In to the Transgender Community?

I have asked myself this question again and again. Early in my journey into gender exploration, I lived in Baltimore, MD where I first visited transgender support groups. In my short-lived visits among the communities, I felt I didn’t fit in, because I...
Divine Authenticity?!

Divine Authenticity?!

As a gender variant person, a gender non-conforming person, a person that doesn’t identify with either side of the gender binary I have found that authenticity is at my center. When a person like me is faced with such a huge opposition to societial norms we are...
Spirituality for Gender Non-Conforming People?

Spirituality for Gender Non-Conforming People?

By Hollis Taylor When I first began on my path of gender-bending, drag, and general queerness I consistently would feel that connections lacked depth. I was desiring something much deeper than how to apply a beard with spirit gum, walk like a man, or find a supportive...