by Hollis | Nov 17, 2020 | Healthy, Holistic, spirituality, Tarot
There are many forms of divination and the Tarot is a very popular choice. Although it’s only really been used as divination for the past approximately 100 years. There are other forms that have been used much longer, but Tarot holds a special call. I notice it...
by Hollis | Nov 2, 2020 | Communicating with the Dead, Death & Dying, Healthy, Holistic, Inspired, Love, Mediumship
As a child, I always seemed to hear things other people didn’t. I always seemed to sense energies and people, when no one else was around. I never understood this gift until my father passed away when I was 25yo. I struggled for weeks with the emotions and all...
by Hollis | Oct 12, 2020 | Death & Dying, Holistic, Inspired, Mediumship, mental health
Fall seems to remind us of death. The trees begin to shed their leaves and our gardens die. We harvest until the plant is done giving and lay them down for the season. Consciously or not we become more aware of our own mortality and that another year has passed. This...
by Hollis | Sep 20, 2019 | Alternatives, Featured, Healthy, Holistic, Inspired, Love, meditation, Non-Binary, ReWiring Your Brain
As a gender variant person, a gender non-conforming person, a person that doesn’t identify with either side of the gender binary I have found that authenticity is at my center. When a person like me is faced with such a huge opposition to societial norms we are...
by Hollis Taylor | Sep 12, 2019 | authenticity, Featured, Holistic, Inspired, Love, Non-Binary, Transitions
By Hollis Taylor When I first began on my path of gender-bending, drag, and general queerness I consistently would feel that connections lacked depth. I was desiring something much deeper than how to apply a beard with spirit gum, walk like a man, or find a supportive...
by Hollis Taylor | Mar 8, 2016 | Alternatives, Healthy, Holistic, Inspired, Permanent Change, Yoga
“I don’t meditate because I can’t stop thinking!” This is such a hilarious excuse that it tells me the person hasn’t really done their research. This is so funny to me when people say it for one very critical reason, meditation is the...