Sugar is as addictive as Cocaine!

Sugar is as addictive as Cocaine!

When someone suggested to me a few years ago that sugar could possibly be addictive, I felt the strong desire to explore the theory. There wasn’t as much public information about it at that time but when I read a medical journal discussing the effects of sugar...
Believe you can change your life!

Believe you can change your life!

Believe you can change your life! Hollis Taylor I opened this site a couple years ago but it hasn’t gone very well. Part of the reason was because I was simply busy working hard to move my life across the country. I had been dreaming of moving to the Boulder, CO...
HELP!! I keep “Falling Off the Wagon”

HELP!! I keep “Falling Off the Wagon”

By Hollis Taylor Even if you swear your not dieting and simply working on changing your lifestyle, I often hear the phrase “falling off the wagon.” Many people around me are aware that I try to make good food choices and my clients feel like failures when...
How can I naturally lose weight?

How can I naturally lose weight?

Losing weight naturally has always been my goal. I don’t want to do on a diet and see saw nor do I want to take some pills to lose weight. Something I heard several times while I trying to get help losing weight, “80% food and 20% exercise” I would...