by Hollis | Dec 16, 2020 | gender, Gender Dysphoria, Holistic, Inspired, Non-Binary, spirituality, Starting, The Wheel of the Year, YULE
This non-binary witch suggests you plan to celebrate Yule and take advantage of this highly potent time for magick! Yule is a high Wiccan/Pagan Holiday. For most of us, we believe this time of year holds great power for manifesting things like Rebirth, new beginnings,...
by Hollis | Dec 10, 2020 | Alternatives, authenticity, gender, Gender Dysphoria, Healthy, Inspired, mental health, Non-Binary, spirituality, Starting, The Wheel of the Year, YULE
Does being a gender variant person make me LESS spiritual? What is special about being queer, are we really invisible? So many ways we are told that being gender variant, queer and other expressions within the LGBTQIA+ community are wrong, sinful, not natural, and...
by Hollis | Nov 29, 2020 | Alternatives, gender, Gender Dysphoria, Healthy, Holistic, Inspired, meditation, Mediumship, Non-Binary, spirituality, Tarot, The Wheel of the Year
Looking to live your life in balance with nature? Want to live the life of a witch? Here’s a good way to get started! What makes a witch, a witch? How is Wicca involved and who are these pagans? Are you GLBTQIA+ or an ally? Step on the Queer Train because this...
by Hollis | Nov 21, 2020 | Communicating with the Dead, Death & Dying, gender, Healthy, Holistic, Mediumship, mental health, Non-Binary, spirituality, Starting
Why is it important to honor the dead? In this case of the “Transgender Day of Remembrance” on Nov. 20, 2020, it’s a form of peaceful protest. In the eyes of violent times, many civil rights leaders have proven that peaceful protest is most...
by Hollis | Nov 17, 2020 | Healthy, Holistic, spirituality, Tarot
There are many forms of divination and the Tarot is a very popular choice. Although it’s only really been used as divination for the past approximately 100 years. There are other forms that have been used much longer, but Tarot holds a special call. I notice it...
by Hollis | Nov 10, 2020 | Communicating with the Dead, Death & Dying, Healthy, Mediumship, mental health, spirituality, Starting
What are you afraid of? When working with spirits, fear can play a big part in our experience. We need to be careful not to project because often it will be amplified. Spirits are often like mirrors, and often reflect what you’re holding. Also, I don’t...
by Hollis | Nov 2, 2020 | Communicating with the Dead, Death & Dying, Healthy, Holistic, Inspired, Love, Mediumship
As a child, I always seemed to hear things other people didn’t. I always seemed to sense energies and people, when no one else was around. I never understood this gift until my father passed away when I was 25yo. I struggled for weeks with the emotions and all...
by Hollis | Oct 12, 2020 | Death & Dying, Holistic, Inspired, Mediumship, mental health
Fall seems to remind us of death. The trees begin to shed their leaves and our gardens die. We harvest until the plant is done giving and lay them down for the season. Consciously or not we become more aware of our own mortality and that another year has passed. This...
by Hollis | Sep 29, 2020 | Alternatives, spirituality, Tarot
By Hollis Taylor (They/them) Author of: Divine Androgyne: A Sacred Path for Gender Variant People. We all have hard times and it always looks different to all of us. Right now many of us are struggling with the state of the world and the pandemic. It’s out of...
by Hollis | Sep 26, 2020 | Foundation, spirituality
Mediumship Reading Psychic Medium Readings – Has someone passed away to the other side in your life? Missing someone and wish you had access to their wisdom? Hollis offers their personal gift of mediumship that has been under development for over 20+years....