Does being a gender variant person make me LESS spiritual? What is special about being queer, are we really invisible? So many ways we are told that being gender variant, queer and other expressions within the LGBTQIA+ community are wrong, sinful, not natural, and other projections that are mostly judgements. As a Wiccan practitioner, long time natural witch, and part of the pagan community I am here to tell you that those projections are not for you, as a LGBTQIA+ person. They belong to the person offering the projections. Instead I invite you to step in a spiritual path that will connect you with nature, open your queerness for authenticity, and step into magick with your total self.
You can become aware of the queer in-betweens by exploring the edges of magick and folding it into your life, like the “Wheel of the Year”. In my queer non-binary experience, I have been exposed and have studied much of what is queer in nature. When I use that word queer, I mean that it’s not ordinary, not like everyone else and this would include the entire LGBTQIA+ community. If you take time to explore the Wheel of the Year, with your eyes open to the queerness in nature, in just one year you will find yourself better aligned with nature, authentically celebrating your queerness (however that looks for you), and walking the path of witchcraft, paganism and/or wicca. Therefore, establishing a spiritual path that is perfect for you, queer and all!
We are starting with Yule. The Sunshine is where we start with Yule. The sun’s relationship with Earthlings is profound, it restores our faith every new day. It feeds us, keeps us alive, and allows for all life to flourish on planet earth. The sun is the center of universe, its obvious why so many ancient cultures worshipped the sun. SO many sun deities to explore and the nature of the sun itself. The earth revolves around the sun, clearly we are deeply connected.
When you explore the sun at its core you quickly find how it holds space for all beings. It provides the right amount of light for plants to grow, feeding the animals, providing for all life on earth. The sun holds space for all beings on earth to grow. Many pagans see the SUN as the divine masculine, and for those that must see the binary that’s perfect for them. For us that are more into the vibration of neutrality or fluidity, the sun is a perfect example. The fireball is in a constant state of change and as a result, it allows for the planets to orbit it. The sun allows for life to continue on earth.
The relationship of the sun on earth comes in many forms but the one that stands out as the queerest is of course the sun pushing through the rain, revealing the rainbow. When a rainbow appears in the sky I am reminded just how diverse the planet is and all that is here on earth. I hope you are reminded that you are part of that rainbow, that diversity is here on earth and that we are part of it. As queer, as gender variant, as transgender, as genderfluid, non binary, or however it shows up for us, we are part of making the rainbow. So are all the ones in the community with us, our partners, our friends, our allies. We are never alone in this, and the rainbow helps us see that. The sun’s role is simple when its been raining, the sun shines through the water, creating a rainbow! Rain always reminds me of emotional struggle and many of us have loads of it. We have come through so much as individuals, as small communities and at large as a culture. We will never be erased, you cannot erase a rainbow, you cannot erase one color. We stand together as a rainbow and the sun coming through that rain is like every Pride festival in every city, when drag shows come to small towns, when queers prove they are part of the rainbow, as we gain our rights it is the SUN COMING THROUGH THE RAIN. A time to honor the light, where we are going forward, playing our part in the rainbow. As a result I always have a rainbow candle for my Yule Log or altar.
Yule is the celebration of the in-between, when the light is born. Just on the edge as the night stops getting longer and instead gets shorter. It’s the celebration of that change. Yule is the celebration of the SUN or son, depending on how you look at it. Yule gives us the time to look forward into the coming year. It honors the longest night and the birth of the light, a rainbow! The great light in the sky warms the planet into growth and in that we are grateful.
When I began to explore Yule as part of my Wheel of the Year I began to realize how important it was to recognize nature during this holiday. As humans, we have sometimes taken things too far away from nature, and we forget we are connected. A practice that can help remind you we are connected to nature is the practice of the Wheel of the Year and when you are celebrating YULE, most of us in northern and colder climates, really need to mark this moment because of the weather and the change in light.
My moods are affected by the weather, especially in the winter. When I practice with Yule I am able to gain energy by working with nature in my practice. Even if it’s dark, even if it’s cold – when I bring nature into my comfortable home I am rewarded. My mood is lifted by things like plants. I have enjoyed setting up a Yule Log for this modern queer witchy pagan. I feel comforted and connected to the world outside. I would listen to music, contemplate ancient messages, and decorate the Yule Log. I like to use all-natural elements that I obtain in my local area. I encourage you to do this in your own way. I encourage you to find a way to bring nature inside, Yule log? Yule Tree? Greenery on your altar? You can collect from whatever is local to you — from farm stands to what is in the back yard.
First, I collect my log, then my decorations; I drill three holes for tall candles and I set it up over the coming weeks as I feel inspired. I try to have it done about a week before Yule, which is on Dec 21st, at least, so I can think about the 3 wishes. Decorating the Yule Log and adding three candles helps us focus on hope for the future. There are all kinds of ways to do this but when I leaned into being a gender activist and humanitarian this tradition made the most sense to me. I am sharing it with you as an option, there are so many ways to do this! I put 3 candles in and the first one is for ME, the second one is for people around me, and the third one is for all of humanity. I make 3 wishes, one for each candle. We will be doing this as a collective at the YULE RITUAL – Let’s Do this together!
We will have space for magick at this event and I invite you take part. Community is part of witchcraft, and most of us believe that collectively doing magick together we heighten our results. Also, there must be a fair energy exchange so the event asks for a $1 charge, to be sure your magick wish works. If you can’t afford this $1, you can be easily comped in, please contact Hollis for a different energy exchange option.
Follow this blog to learn more about setting up a Yule Log and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to follow our countdown to Yule and get registered for the ritual. If you have experience in public rituals please email us to help, we NEED YOU! And even having a small part can add greatly to your experience. You get what you give, this is the main rule in magick.
Here are 10 ideas on how to get ready for Yule:
- Gather a Yule Log, Candles, and Decorations (don’t forget rainbow candles)
- Set up your altar (Green, Reds, Blue, Rainbow covers, bowls and plates)
- Make your own Candles (Greens, Reds, Blue and Rainbow)
- Make Natural gifts for others (Evergreens? Candles?)
- Learn About the History of Yule (Watch videos on YouTube)
- Plan/Write your Yule Ritual (many examples online, no wrong way)
- Register for a YULE RITUAL in a group that you are called to
- Collect natural items for your altar (Pine Cones, evergreens, oranges)
- Bake a Yule Log (many recipes online)
- Count Down the Days to the Solstice (Follow Divine Androgyne online)